AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

6 Key Questions Personal Trainers Should Be Asking New Clients

As a personal trainer, it’s always important to get to know your prospective clients as much as possible before determining that they’d be a good fit for your services. All too often, however, personal trainers don’t understand the right questions to ask to get a true feel for a potential client. In general, there are […]

How Do I Become a Certified Pilates Instructor?

Pilates is one of the most popular methods of exercise in the world, and for good reason. Since its creation in the early 20th century, Pilates has become a favorite workout for health-minded individuals who want to build strength, lean muscle tone, and flexibility—all with a focus on the core. In 2017 alone, more than […]

6 Ways You Can Encourage Healthy Habits for Life

We are all guilty of saying that we will commit to something that we eventually push to the side or lose the motivation to see all the way through. But when it comes to dramatically changing our lifestyles we need to maintain momentum in order to be successful and ultimately reap the benefits in the short- and long-term. The truth […]

5 Tools to Make Your Job as a Certified Personal Trainer Easier

Train clients. Get results. That’s your main objective when you’re a certified personal trainer. Nevertheless, being a personal trainer involves much more work than what your clients see in the gym. You’ve got to manage your schedule, develop programs, bill clients for training sessions, run marketing campaigns, and keep clients motivated to help them achieve […]

An In-Depth Look at 4 Jobs in Nutrition

As consumers rapidly become more health-conscious and the demand for more nutritional information continues to rise, we’ll see the market continue to dominate. With the stability of the market and an increase in related trends, it’s clear that a healthy and active lifestyle is becoming an essential piece of our evolving culture. As a result, […]

AFPA vs. ACE: Personal Training Certification Comparison

When deciding to become a personal trainer, many professionals choose to follow a certification program, which is a top choice when it comes to expanding your future opportunities. A personal training certification gives you the education you need to serve clients more effectively, and to understand the complex issues that can arise when it comes […]

Get Started on the Path to Becoming a Physical Fitness Trainer

Whether you’re a seasoned health and fitness professional, just developing an interest, or you’re in the market for a fulfilling career but you’re unsure of the path you want to take: a career in personal training can help you discover your own personal success, while inspiring others to lead a more fulfilling lifestyle in the […]