How to Renew Your Certification in 4 Simple Steps
Renewing your certification doesn’t have to be complicated. Use our simple 4-step process to make sure you stay certified.
We require graduates to apply for certificate renewal and complete 16.0 continuing education credits (CECs) every two years. This process is an opportunity for certificate-holders to demonstrate their ongoing efforts to maintain their competence and skills. It also assures the public that practicing AFPA graduates are committed to adhering to a code of ethics and standard of practice.

To demonstrate continued competency, the certified professional is required to obtain 16 hours of continuing education. Continuing education must be new activity obtained during the two-year certification period and cannot pre-date a certificate submitted for renewal.
How to Renew Your Certification
1. Obtain your 16.0 Continuing Education Credits (CECs) within the 2-year validity period upon initial completion of our curriculum. Answer
CECs must be newly acquired credits obtained during the two-year certification period of each certificate submitted for renewal.
You can renew multiple certifications with the same 16.0 CECs if the credits are earned during the two-year certification period for each credential submitted for renewal and all certifications to be renewed are listed on the renewal application.
2. Fill out the Renewal Application. Answer
Complete the Certification Renewal Application form.
3. Attach your copies of CEC/CEU documentation, and submit your Certification Renewal Application. Answer
A copy of a CEC/CEU validation form from the continuing education course provider must be submitted with your renewal form as a part of the required documentation (such as a Certificate of Completion or similar showing your name, the name of the continuing education course completed, the date completed and the number of approved credit hours for the continuing education course completed).
4. When your Renewal Application has been approved, pay the online invoice sent to your email for the renewal fee of $85.00 along with a late fee if applicable. Answer
The fee to renew each certification is $85 per two year renewal cycle. For individuals who hold more than one credential, the fee is $85 for the first credential plus $50 for each additional credential if renewed at the same time plus late fee(s), if applicable.
Our Holistic Health Coach, Nutrition Consultant – Master Level, and Personal Trainer – Master Level students are permitted to renew all of their certifications within the program for one $85 renewal fee.
If your certification is past due by thirty days or more up to 24 months past the expiration date, there is a late fee of $30 (per expired certificate) in addition to the $85 renewal fee.
If you are past due by 24 months or more, please email for more details.
Renewal FAQs
Does my certification expire? Answer
Yes, your certification will expire two years following successful exam completion. AFPA certification ID number and validity dates are noted on the certificate. Learn more about recertification requirements.
How do I renew my AFPA certification? Answer
In order to maintain AFPA credentials, individuals are required to obtain 16.0 Continuing Education Credits (CECs) during each 2-year certification period.
To renew, you can complete the AFPA Certification Renewal Application, attach copies of all required documentation, and submit to our office.
Once your Renewal Application is approved, you will then need to pay an online invoice sent for the standard $85 renewal fee, plus any applicable late fees.
How do I get CECs? Answer
We offer a wide selection of educational programs and opportunities for all individuals worldwide. AFPA offers about 50 different continuing education courses that you can complete at home online, and we provide of listing of approved CEC Providers. Also, each AFPA certification program is worth 16 CECs!
What is the difference between CECs and CEUs? Answer
AFPA requires its members to obtain 16.0 continuing education credits (CECs) as a part of the AFPA recertification process. Some organizations, such as AFAA, use the term continuing education units (CEUs). CECs and CEUs are interchangeable for AFPA recertification purposes.
AFPA works in a whole number system, e.g., 1.0, whereas some organizations, such as ACE, work in a decimal system, e.g., 0.1. For AFPA recertification purposes, credits earned from an organization utilizing a decimal system are the equivalent of whole numbers, e.g., 0.1 ACE CEC is equivalent to 1.0 CEC for AFPA recertification purposes. An individual earning 1.6 ACE CECs would have the equivalent of 16.0 CECs for AFPA recertification purposes.
I have more than one certification. How many CECs do I need to renew? Answer
AFPA permits our members to renew multiple credentials with the same 16.0 CECs provided the credits are earned during the two-year validity period of each certificate submitted for renewal.
Are CEC’s/CEU’s/certification programs from other organizations valid as CEC’s for AFPA certification renewal? Answer
Yes, any organization offering credits for continuing education courses related to fitness, health and/or nutrition would be acceptable towards AFPA recertification requirements.
A copy of a CEC/CEU validation form such as a Certificate of Completion or similar showing your name, the name of the course completed, the date completed and the number of Provider approved credit hours for the course completed must be attached to your AFPA Certification Renewal Application as a part of the required documentation.
If no CEC’s/CEU’s are noted on the Certificate of Completion a copy of the Course Provider’s webpage showing approved credits must be attached to your AFPA Certification Renewal Application in addition to a copy of the Certificate of Completion as a part of the required documentation.
Please note, AFPA works in a whole number system i.e. 1.0 whereas some organizations such as ACE work in a decimal system i.e. 0.1. For AFPA recertification purposes credits earned from an organization utilizing a decimal system are the equivalent of whole numbers e.g. 0.1 ACE CEC is equivalent to 1.0 CEC’s for AFPA recertification purposes. An individual earning 1.6 ACE CEC’s would have the equivalent of 16.0 CEC’s for AFPA recertification purposes.
I just completed an AFPA certification course. Can I use this as CECs to renew my other AFPA certification? Answer
Yes, a newly acquired AFPA certification has a value of 16.0 continuing education credits (CECs) toward renewal requirements of an existing AFPA certification. To qualify as CECs, the certification course must be successfully completed and credential issued.
Are AFPA certification programs or CECs valid as continuing education for other organizations? Answer
Each organization sets its own policies regarding renewal and continuing education credits. It would be necessary for you to check with your certifying organization to determine their requirements. They may accept the course or they may require that you petition for credits. If they require petitioning, upon request, we could provide you with a letter stating course hours when your AFPA credential is issued.
Do I have to take CEC courses on the same topic as my certification or can I take courses on other areas? Answer
You may take any continuing education course that is of interest to you. AFPA encourages our members to explore other disciplines related to health, wellness, nutrition and entrepreneurship.
Can I renew if my certification is expired? Answer
Yes, but only up to 24 months past your certification expiration date. You will still be required to submit your past-due renewal fees, late fee, and CECs for the duration of time that your certification was expired.
If your certification is over two years expired, please reach out to for more information on renewing.
I’m a Holistic Health Coach or Master Level student with multiple certifications within my program to renew – how do I renew? Answer
We allow our Holistic Health Coach & Master Level students to renew all of their certifications within their program using the same 16.0 CEC’s, and only paying a single $85 renewal fee.
Graduates from a Master Level program or the Holistic Health Coach program can renew all certificates within their program for only one $85 renewal fee using only one set of 16.0 CECs.
The renewal cycle should be based around the oldest certificate/the first certificate received. If you keep the first certificate in date, the other certificates will remain valid as well. You should plan to submit your renewal application thirty days before your first certificate expires.
We do not permit Master Level students using one certification within the program to renew another certification within the program (i.e. renewing your Nutrition and Wellness Consultant certificate using your Holistic Nutritionist certificate as CECs, then renewing the Holistic Nutritionist using Sports Nutritionist as CECs, etc.). We require proof of completion of 16.0 CECs to renew all certificates within the program at one time.
What will the validity dates of my renewed certification be? Answer
The updated validity dates of an AFPA certification are renewed by two years past the date of expiration, regardless of when the Renewal Application is submitted.
For example – if your certificate is valid from June 1, 2022-2024, the renewed certificate will then be valid from June 1, 2024-2026, meaning you will not need to complete the renewal process again until June 2026, then June 2028, etc.
Can I use college credits as CECs? Answer
Yes, any 3-credit college course that relates to health, fitness, nutrition, or business development provides 16.0 AFPA CEC’s toward certification renewal.
The college course must have been completed during the two-year validity period of the certification you are renewing.
Please upload an unofficial transcript as your CEC Certificate of Completion into your Renewal Application as your proof of CEC completion.