Fitness, Personal Training, & Exercise Science

7 Daily Habits of Top Personal Trainers

As a personal trainer, it’s in your nature to challenge yourself to become the best of the best. But how do you keep up with an industry that is not only competitive, but also constantly evolving? When you sweat for a living, you may think all you need is a sequence of smart, butt-kicking routines to climb to the top of the fitness industry. However, there’s so much more you need to succeed.

1. They think of the industry as more than just a hobby

Successful trainers treat health and fitness as more than just a hobby—it’s a career. To be successful, you must put a well-planned strategy behind your business. This may include, but is certainly not limited to a business plan and a defined business operations, marketing and communications strategy. Planning out your business can be highly rewarding, especially if this is your true passion. In the words attributed to Confucius, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

2. They set goals and work on achieving them daily

Successful trainers set, achieve and continuously refine their goals. Not only that, but they ensure that each goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and achievable within a specific time. These are commonly referred to as SMART goals, which you may be familiar with from one of our recent articles. By setting SMART goals, you’ll increase the likelihood of seeing that goal through to the end.

3. They know how to manage their time effectively

To be successful, you have to set aside time for more than just your own personal workout. You must tend to the business-administration work we discussed earlier. Practice a close attention to detail every time you book a client. This way, you’ll never overbook clients and you will be on time for your next one.

4. They make education a top priority

If you’re familiar with our blog, chances are you’ve heard us say that education never stops at your degree or your certification. In addition to multiple certifications, you must be at the forefront of the market to stay informed and knowledgeable for your clients. Don’t forget to share your knowledge with your clients to build trust and credibility for a stronger client-trainer relationship.

5. They have a diet philosophy

To a successful trainer, a well-balanced diet is an essential component for a strong, fit figure. In this business especially, trainers need fuel to keep going—so it’s essential that every meal is going to be beneficial to your body and your busy lifestyle. While we’re all born with weaknesses, successful trainers know the difference between moderation and indulging. Furthermore, successful trainers don’t put themselves at risk for temptation if it will derail their goals. For example, if a trainer has a fitness competition coming up, and one of his or her goals is to stay away from alcohol, he or she likely won’t attend happy hour with coworkers or friends. It’s as simple as that.

6. They don’t make excuses

In order to be successful, you must lead by example. While it’s easy to make excuses, trainers think it’s just as easy—and beneficial—to perform than it is to dodge responsibilities. A trainer’s credibility is often defined by how fit and knowledgeable he or she is, especially on a first impression. That said, schedule your workouts into your day, just as you would with a client—and don’t forget to make time for recovery methods.

7. They know that success doesn’t happen overnight

Just like any career, there is dedication and consistency involved in effective training. It’s important to always think of the progress made, not achieving perfection. To be successful in this industry, never let a setback derail everything you have worked for. Acknowledge it and move on—and encourage your clients to live by that same mentality.

Are you interested in taking your business to the next level? Check out our blog for a full list of resources, so you can continue to refine your training approach, boost your ROI and deliver on customer satisfaction.

Learn what it takes to become a Personal Trainer

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