Many Americans, nearly 40 percent, use health care approaches developed outside of mainstream Western, or conventional, medicine for specific conditions or overall well-being. When describing health approaches with non-mainstream roots, people often use the words “alternative” and “complementary” interchangeably, but the two terms refer to different concepts:
- “Complementary” generally refers to using a non-mainstream approach together with conventional medicine.
- “Alternative” refers to using a non-mainstream approach in place of conventional medicine.
True alternative medicine is not common. Most people use non-mainstream approaches along with conventional treatments. And the boundaries between complementary and conventional medicine overlap and change with time. For example, guided imagery and massage, both once considered complementary or alternative, are used regularly in some hospitals to help with pain management.
Cancer Information and Support for Breast Cancer
If you have a connection to cancer, welcome to the place where you can share your real-life experiences — fears, insights, stories and advice.
Massage Therapy 101
Welcome to Massage Therapy 101, a site written by a Registered Massage Therapist to introduce consumers – and future students – to the wonderful world of massage therapy!
Addition Recovery and Treatment
About Recovery offers addiction resources and addiction help by state. In addition to helping you find addiction information to help aid recovery, our national helpline is available 24 hours a day to assist you.
Natural Health Remedies
Getting started with home remedies & natural treatments is simple enough… in fact, you’ll probably find everything you need right here, in your kitchen. Just scout around, add a little bit of this, a dash of that, and you’re good to go! A healing mixture of honey & ginger juice can cure a cough, while a few dry figs soaked overnight can cure constipation. It isn’t rocket science and it does not require a deep understanding of human anatomy!
AyurvedicCure: Health, Nutritional and Herbal Vitamin Supplement Guide
With a wide range of natural remedies and treatments on the market today, we understand that it can sometimes be difficult to make sense of it all. We also know that since there is no standardization in the herbal industry, there is no guarantee as to the consistency, safety or potency of the herbal remedies you buy. With this in mind, we searched long and hard to find a range of specially formulated, complex natural remedies in therapeutic dosages guaranteed to bring you relief!
Herbal Medicines
Browse a collection of simple home remedies and alternative herbal medicine, available from the average kitchen shelf. Discusses the use of common plants for common ailments.
Natural Acne Treatment
The goal of this article is to provide you with a one stop source for helping you deal with your acne naturally.
Music Therapy: The Power of Music
Using music in therapy can be a very powerful way to reach children, adolescents, and adults in the therapeutic setting. Music in therapy can be a powerful way to help people express their feelings. Creative therapy can reach people in ways that traditional therapy sometimes cannot.
Virtual Sports Injuries Clinic
We have information on over 300 sports injuries and conditions, many with rehab programs, exercises and more. If you are not sure what your injury is then why not try our sports injury Symptom Checker? Just tick the symptoms which apply to you and narrow down the possibilities.
Our Sports Injuries section has information on hundreds of sports injuries and related conditions. Each injury has a brief description of the injury with symptoms, injury diagnosis, initial treatment and rehabilitation. Many common injuries have related pages which detail rehabilitation, strengthening, stretching, sports massage, sports taping and interviews with leading sports injury professionals.The Rehabilitation section details hundreds of specific rehab exercises which can be used as part of injury rehab programs and include resistance band exercises, Pilates, Core Strengthening, Free Weights Exercises and more.
Our Treatments and Therapies area looks at different types of therapy used in the treatment of sports injuries and interviews some leading practitioners. Our philosophy at is to include as many different treatment approaches as possible and do not advocate any specific method of treatment.
Diverticulitis Diverticulosis
Diverticular disease consists of two conditions: diverticulosis and diverticulitis. Diverticulosis is the formation of several tiny pockets, or diverticula, in the lining of the bowel.
American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology
Lifesource is committed to telling the truth about asthma so that all asthma sufferers can make informed choices about the asthma treatment they receive.
Staying Young Naturally
A very special, comprehensive view on natural anti-aging methods from the perspective of experience, by an author/instructor who was and is decades ahead of his time, both as to his practice and methods of “healthy lifestyles”, now recognized in the latest medical literature, and his utilization of the comprehensive approach to health care, now just in its relative infancy in the academic and medical arenas.
Integral Hypnosis
Hypnotherapy, or the therapeutic application of hypnosis, is a powerful tool for self-empowerment. By eliminating barriers or blockages between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind hypnosis can help unleash positive potential. Bad habits can be broken and new patterns of thought and behavior can be achieved when self-limiting fears, false conceptions, and troubling confusions are resolved. Some people falsely think of hypnosis or hypnotism as being something mysterious as if it were magic or an unconscious state of mind. In fact, hypnosis is the induction of a state of mind that is similar to daydream reveries or the moments just before drifting off to sleep.
Global Healing Center, Inc
Global Healing Center is the premier source for organic living and natural health. We offer a wide variety of high quality, green living lifestyle products to help you maintain a clean body and live a healthy lifestyle. It’s our mission to bring back good health, positive thinking, happiness, and love. We want to help our clients and customers help themselves and realize their body has self-healing mechanisms. We are here to educate and provide the tools necessary to live a long, healthy, happy life..
Dr. Ray Sahelian’s is one of the most visited websites in the world on the topic of dietary supplements and natural medicine (or evidence-based integrative care) maintained and written by a medical doctor. More than 15,000 visitors a day read balanced and practical information on natural ways to improve health and wellbeing. – Counseling medical health care clinic
Our site is one of the first complete medical clinics for online counseling and general health by medical staff for groups or individuals! All your health care concerns can be addressed on Our medical staff includes physicians, nurses, chiropractors, nutritionists, and massage therapists. We even have a staff veterinarian for those special members of your family! Our goal is to treat the whole person. We can provide economical online therapy sessions with several specialists simultaneously or individually to help you with ALL your mental health or physical health concerns. We also offer phone counseling, email therapy, chat and video counseling.
Alternative Healing, Holistic Health & New Age Center
The aim of is to help you discover how to improve your health so you can increase your chances of not needing holistic remedies or conventional medicine in the first place.
Ayurvedic Alternative Herbal Medicine
Our Ayurvedic Rasayanas are handcrafted in Ashland, Oregon, using ancient recipes. We also offer a variety of other Ayurveda herbal products, as well as information on Ayurvedic Diets. We invite you to share your experiences on our product reviews and our Ayurveda Herbs Blog.
What Medicine?
We cover subjects ranging from the amazing world of Oxygen Therapies, Apricot Seeds and other treatments that have been hugely successful in the treatment of cancer, to the more conventional alternative and complementary therapies such as acupuncture, homoeopathy, the Bowen technique and much more.
BodyMindSpirit Directory
Your guide to Conscious Living. Find Holistic Health , Natural Healing , Spiritual and Green Resources.
Natural Healers is dedicated to providing the best information to prospective students of natural healing techniques. We strive to be the finest resource available, allowing students to compare schools, contact them, read common questions and answers, and ask questions.
Inner Soulutions
Inner Soulutions founding Directors Stephen and Deborah Deuel continue to acknowledge that each individual’s path of exploration into the Self is valid and that no one journey is of higher value than that of another.
Alternative Health Resources
Your Information Site for the Natural Health Disciplines
Includes, Alternative, Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, Homeopathic, Holistic, Flower Remedies, Herbs, Chinese, Acupressure, Reflexology, Organic Gardening and other information.
The Health Oasis
The Health Oasis, on the Isle of Skye, Highlands of Scotland, is a Centre for Complementary Therapies which offers Therapies, Workshops, Meditation andYoga in the Highlands of Scotland.
Since 1999, professional Therapists have offered their skills in a wide range of holistic therapies to nourish body, mind and soul.
California Institute
Founded in 1943, our school provides comprehensive, professional training in Holistic Health, Alternative Healing Careers and Clinical Hypnotherpy in Northern California: Sacramento, Roseville, Fair Oaks, Carmichael, Davis, Modesto, Redding, and on-line around the world! We train Practitioners to Heal Mind, Body and Emotions Naturally.
Alok Holistic Health
Alok Holistic Health is a spiritual retreat community integrating urban lifestyle with global adventures; city workshops with retreats in nature; yoga and meditation with magical dance parties; health and nutrition with spirituality and celebration.
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine was founded in 1986 to provide Oriental medical and body therapy education to students from around the world.
Wholistic Healing Research
Explore our resources for Wholistic Healing, addressing body, emotions, mind, relationships and spirit. Click on the round icons at the top of this page to see how each of these levels contributes to your health and healing.
Alternative Health Tours
“Alternative Health Tours” offers daily, private, customized tours and transportation to and from Alternative Health Clinics and Hospitals for patients, relatives, friends, students and medical practitioners seeking the latest information on Alternative Medical Treatment Programs.
Healthy Child Online
At Healthy Child, we want to help you to create a home environment where your babies and children can thrive and reach their full potential. We advocate holistic, natural medicine and reducing environmental toxins as much as possible. We realize that in our current world it is impossible to completely eliminate all toxins to which our children are exposed. However, we can take steps to reduce or eliminate the most detrimental exposures and keep our kids and our planet as safe and healthy as possible.
Homeopathic Education Services
DANA ULLMAN, MPH, CCH, is one of America’s leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books, including The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy, Homeopathy A-Z, Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants, Discovering Homeopathy, and (the best-selling) Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines (with Stephen Cummings, MD). Dana also authored an ebook that is a continually growing resource to 200+ clinical studies published in peer-review medical journals testing homeopathic medicines. This ebook combines the descriptions of these studies with practical clinical information on how to use homeopathic medicines for 100+ common ailments. This ebook is entitled Evidence Based Homeopathic Family Medicine, and it is an invaluable resource. Dana has been certified in classical homeopathy by the leading organization in the U.S. for professional homeopaths.
He is the founder of Homeopathic Educational Services, America’s leading resource center for homeopathic books, tapes, medicines, software, and correspondence courses. Homeopathic Educational Services has co-published over 35 books on homeopathy with North Atlantic Books.
Positive Health
Positive Health PH Online, launched in 1996 and published from Ramsgate, Kent, UK, is one of the world’s foremost magazine websites devoted to all aspects of complementary medicine – Aromatherapy, Massage, Bodywork, Mind, Meditation, Healing, Nutrition, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Yoga to name just a few of the disciplines covered. Positive Health’s substantial award-winning internet site at contains more than 7,000 pages of articles, links, research as well as book reviews, events listings, educational resource, products and practitioner listings.
Complementary Healthcare Information Services
This is the UK’s guide to complementary and alternative medicine, self-development and natural remedies.
Holistic Practitioners Network
Welcome to the Holistic Practitioners’ Network website. We are proud to offer a variety of services in holistic health care. Our practitioners come to us from many disciplines and from all over. Our hope is that individuals who are looking for holistic alternatives can find options that will assist them toward enhanced empowerment. This can lead to improved health in body, mind and spirit.
Alternative Medical Directory
Our promise to you is a commitment to provide the world’s finest pharmaceutical-quality nutritional formulas, while offering the most competitive pricing possible. We have already lowered prices on more than 50 of our most popular products and single ingredients.
Brofman Foundation
The Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing was founded by Martin Brofman, PhD. It exists to promote the cause of healing in the world, as well as the particular methods of healing that Martin Brofman has developed. These are the Body Mirror System of Healing (Exploring the Body Mind Interface through the Chakras) and A Vision Workshop (Using Your Mind to Clear Your Eyesight). Both classes are based on the idea that being healthy and happy is necessarily linked with thinking for yourself, taking responsibility for your life and what happens in it, and fully being yourself.
Therapeutic Touch
With aging parents Therapeutic Touch allows people to comfort without the need for talking. And because Therapeutic Touch promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety, and often alters a person’s perception of pain it is especially useful in hospice work, allowing volunteers and family members a positive way to “utilize” their compassionate feelings, giving them an effective form through which their loving feelings are organized in a positive and healing way. As one of my students said, “Knowing Therapeutic Touch is never having to feel helpless” — now that’s empowering!!!
Australasian College of Natural Therapies
ACNT celebrated 30 years in the industry in 2012. It is an achievement that we are extremely proud of – so we continue to expand and improve on our courses and facilities, delivering courses both on campus and online via distance education. ACNT is not only one of the largest colleges of natural medicine in the world. It is one of the most respected private educational providers, recognized by many worldwide organizations, universities and industry associations.
Total Fitness
What Is Healing? Total Fitness offers comprehensive natural healing remedies designed to empower you to achieve exceptional levels of health and well being.
The Quick and Easy Guide to Natural Health and Alternative Medicine
Body Mind Sprit Directory
Your guide to Conscious Living. Find Holistic Health , Natural Healing , Spiritual and Green Resources. Click a State. Explore over 40,000 listings
Sakthi Foundation
Sakthi Foundation is involved in various projects for the benefit of the society made of Individuals. Please get in touch with us for volunteering activities, which would make you feel as a socially responsible individual. By involving in these work, one evolves internally (maturity) to embrace the society as one own’s family. We are all cells in one Cosmic body.
Learning Methods
LearningMethods™ is an educational process teaching you how to explore, understand and solve the problems and issues of your life and work. It teaches you how to ask the right questions about your experiences, how to call into question unexamined ideas and beliefs, and how to integrate change into your life. What you will learn is intensely practical and grounded in real life, but you’ll also gain profound new understandings of yourself and the people around you.
Wellness Interactive Network
Stayhealthy was founded in 1995 with the goal of making medical-grade health monitoring devices affordable and accessible to average people in their own homes, allowing them to proactively take control of their health. After all, how can you get healthier if you don’t know what’s wrong, or what to do about it, and you can’t afford to get high-priced tests month after month?
After years of research, development, clinical trials, extensive testing by universities and researchers around the world, and being cleared by the FDA as a Class II medical device, Stayhealthy is finally prepared to offer its products and programs to the mass market – and it looks like just in time, as the obesity epidemic is raging, and corporate and personal health costs are spiraling out of control.
Natural Home and Travel Guide
Welcome to The Vegetarian Travel Guide™! Join the millions of others who are making the vegetarian lifestyle their chosen lifestyle for the 21st century. Why not plan your next trip using one of our FREE (printable) city, state orcountry travel guides, and discover how exciting a vegetarian lifestyle can be! Find the best holistic retreats, B&B’s, Spas, Natural food restaurants and Healthfood stores in your city or state. We will be adding interactive MAPS to the major cities by the end of 2012 (see our map on the NYC Guide). Plus an Events Calendar, eZine, and exclusive interviews and articles throughout the site.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The mission of NCCAM is to define, through rigorous scientific investigation, the usefulness and safety of complementary and alternative medicine interventions and their roles in improving health and health care.c evidence informs
Getting certified in yoga through AFPA can open up a world of opportunities to share your passion for yoga with others, whether as a teacher or a lifelong practitioner.

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Learn How to Start a Fulfilling, Impactful Career as a Holistic Health Coach
You’ll learn:
- Why holistic health matters
- If holistic health coaching is right for you
- What career opportunities exist for health coaches
- And more!