The human body is composed of approximately 60 percent water. In 1921 the recommendation of drinking 8 cups of water per day was based on a researcher who measured his water intake to his urine output as well as the color of his urine. This became the recommendation for decades and a wise recommendation from grandma as well.
Lack of Water and Increased Likelihood of Disease
There is extensive research that inadequate water intake can result in falls and fractures, heat stroke, heart disease, lung disorders, kidney disease, kidney stones, bladder and colon cancer, urinary tract infections, constipation, dry disease, cavities, decreased immune function and cataract.
A comprehensive analysis of water intake and bladder cancer was conducted at Harvard University. Nearly 48,000 men were found to have a decrease in bladder cancer by 7 percent for every cup of water consumed. Recommendations noted that drinking eight cups of water per day might reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50 percent.
The Adventist Health Study followed over 20,000 men and women and found that those who drank more than 5 cups of water daily had half the risk of dying from heart disease than those individuals who drank two or less cups of water daily. This protection stood after taking into consideration other factors such as half of Seven Day Adventist population is vegetarian.
According to the CDC [Center for Disease Control] there were 614,000 deaths from heart disease in the United States in 2015.
Imagine what just drinking more water [clean, non-chlorinated, non-fluoridated water] could do each year in both the suffering and loss of our friends and family.
Water and Cognitive Performance: Water Makes You Smarter
Water keeps the body cooler, and the blood less viscous. Both very important when considering brain function.
School age children were found to perform better on tests and assignments with lower levels of test anxiety when given two cups of water in the morning].
Behavior: the same school children had better attention and over-all behavior in the classroom after the same two cups of water.
Yet the average American drinks only two cups per day! Soda does not count! I taught college for years and each semester I would hand out index cards asking every student several questions about their health and lifestyle (diet and exercise). One question I asked: how much water do you drink each day separate from everything else?
The answer was an average of 1 cup of water daily! Age group range: 18-60. Each class averaged 30 students: times 3 classes per semester, times 2 semesters each year, times 15 years. So the average water intake for roughly 2700 students was 1 cup daily (initially).
Caffeinated beverages can actually cause the body to lose water through the diuretic effect.

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Water and Athletic Performance: What a Difference Can Water Make
Sports drinks are NOT the most important beverages to consume when training; it is water. Athletes who lose as little as 2 percent of your bodyweight in water [as little as 1 liter of water during exercise [easy to do in 30 minutes of exercise] can lead to a lose of up to 30 percent performance.
Losing more than 2 liters [2.5 percent of your bodyweight] can result in a loss of up to 45 percent in those athletes involved in high intensity training. At this level of loss of water during exercise disorientation and even heat stroke can result.
Adequate water intake is even more critical for young athletes due to the fact they tend to dehydrate more quickly which can compromise their health, athletic performance, making them more prone to injury.
What are the signs of Dehydration?
- Dizziness or lightheaded feeling
- Nausea or vomiting
- Muscle cramps
- Dry mouth
- Lack of sweating
- Hard, fast heartbeat
- Fatigue & Tiredness
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How Much Water Do Humans Need Each Day For Better Health?
The evidence from the United States National Library of Medicine and the World Health Organization recommends a water intake of 8 to 11 cups of water per day for women and 10-15 cups of water per day for men.
The average American consumes about 4 cups of water daily from the food they eat. To average this amount into the equation the daily recommendation for drinking water would be 4-7 cups of water per day for women and 6 to 11 cups of water per day for men taking into account moderate physical activity, lower temperature and humidity.
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