Business & Career Resources

How to Make Money as a Personal Trainer: 5 Tips for Success

Growing a successful personal-training business is achievable with the right resources. Finding success in a highly competitive industry, however, is often easier said than done. Whether you’re in the early stages of your career or you’re well-versed in the industry but experiencing a lag in business, it may be related to your sales approach.

Want to know how to make money as a personal trainer? We have five creative ways to boost your sales and your business

Use a sales-prospecting approach

Whether you work in a corporate gym or a private fitness center, you will have a numerous opportunities to approach prospects and build a good rapport. Don’t forget to put on your game face. Acting as if you’re already their trainer in a subtle way will demonstrate confidence and can be one of your best selling points. To accomplish this, let them know that your business is dedicated to designing personalized fitness programs, tailored specifically to meet the goals of the client—not the gym or the trainer. By doing this, you will make them feel more confident in their decision to train with you. Finally, offer to set the prospect up with a complimentary one-on-one training session so that he or she can get a better understanding of your business and your approach.

Learn How to Become a Certified Personal Trainer Online in Less Than 6 Months

Personal Trainer Career Guide

Market yourself

Attracting new clients to your business when you’re on-the-go isn’t as seamless as when you’re actually in the gym. One way to attract potential prospects is to wear a shirt that advertises your place of employment or the business you own. This way, you won’t have to start conversations out of the blue, and potential prospects may just come to you with questions. When it comes to investing in marketing techniques, don’t waste your time or money on methods that are ineffective. Be sure to research your market first to see how and where your potential prospects are engaging. Some things you may want to consider include building a website and a business blog, as well as engaging on social media.

Ask your current happy clients for referrals

When it comes to building your clientele, your existing clients are your biggest asset. Once you have established a solid relationship with these clients, it’s now appropriate for you to ask them for referrals. The best way to do this is to offer a free consultation, or even consider having your current client bring a friend for a discounted group rate. This incentive doesn’t just attract new prospects to your business, but it satisfies your current customers, too.

Network with other professionals in the community

If you’re just starting out and lacking clients, you’re probably thinking that the previous step sounds much easier said than done. If so, consider asking other businesses—like a local juice bar or hair salon—if they’re interested in advertising your business to their customers in exchange for the same advertising service. Networking with other professionals provides you with a realm of opportunity, without taking away from the services these other business offer.

Always be thinking of the upsell

Could your client benefit from a personalized nutrition plan? Perhaps he or she would be interested in a boot camp series that you plan on hosting in the near future. Look for upsell opportunities and subtly gauge his or her interest. From there you can introduce your other services.

At AFPA we provide world-class health, fitness and nutrition advice. To learn more about how you can find success in the personal-training industry, download our complimentary e-book: “7 Step Guide to Becoming a Personal Trainer.

Learn How to Become a Certified Personal Trainer Online in Less Than 6 Months

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