AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

12 Easy Holiday Workout Plans

When the holidays come around, schedules get packed and cookie trays are everywhere. That can make it more challenging to stick to your nutrition and fitness routines, but sneaking time in to exercise can have huge benefits, from lowering holiday-related stress to minimizing the impact of all those delicious treats. Keep these 12 strategies in […]

10 Workout Secrets for Lifelong Fitness

10 Workout Secrets for Lifelong Fitness Getting and staying fit can be a challenge for some. For others it is a way of life. So what’s the secret of people who have managed to make exercise a lifelong habit? Try following these top exercise tips and tricks, workout secrets or just food

How to Strength Train at Home for Optimal Results

As a personal trainer, we all have our favorite way to get and stay in shape, whether it be going for a run, challenging your core in a Pilates class or working up a sweat in the SoulCycle studio. While all of these workouts seem achievable to you in a day or two, what about […]

Strength & Cardio Exercise for Older Adults

Staying fit and mobile is essential, especially for senior citizens. As we get older, healthy, frequent movements are paramount for staying balanced, stable and in control of our minds and bodies. With all of the trends out there, however, it can be difficult to decide which ones are truly best for seniors.