5 Tips To Successfully Market Yourself As A Personal Trainer
As a newly Certified Personal Trainer we want your business to be profitable and successful. Here is a short list of ideas to help you get more clients, retain those personal trainer clients you already have and grow & promote your personal trainer business.
Buy 5 Training Sessions and Get One Free
If a client buys five personal training sessions, provide an additional visit for FREE. Everybody like FREE stuff! This is a great incentive to keep the cash coming in and to say thank you for your business at the same time.
Enter your clients in a “Biggest Loser” Competition
Chart your clients progress and reward them for their hard work! Have your club or local businesses provide gifts or discounts and put it all together and make a grand prize. You could even have one of the prizes be some FREE personal training sessions. The average client loves this concept and is seen as an additional type of motivation. Have before and after photos when the competition is over to provide incentive for others to join in on the fun next time.
Meet and Greet the New Gym Members
Ask the facility you work for if you can have a list of all new members and offer these new gym members a FREE consultation with you. Goal: A new happy client and money in the bank!
Hold Group Classes
Begin having classes that offer exercise to large, more diverse groups. You could offer a children’s fitness class, senior fitness class or a class on sports conditioning. This type of offering would expose you to new potential clientele.
Offer Discounts And Group Rates
Offer a discount to those clients that would agree to train in a small group. One person at $50/hour or two at $40/hour equals more money to you and adds and increased motivational and camaraderie factor of training together as a small group.
These are only a few ideas for you! Feel free to share with other certified professionals about what you are doing to make a successful personal training business!

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