Functional Nutrition Approach to COVID-19 and Immunity

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $129.00.


8.0 CECs / Research Article / Quiz

In‌ ‌this 8.0 continuing education credit (CEC) course, Functional Nutrition Approach to COVID-19 & Immunity,‌ ‌you‌ ‌will‌ ‌explore‌ ‌and‌ ‌build‌ ‌a‌ ‌fundamental‌ ‌awareness‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ various nutritional and lifestyle practices and strategies for bolstering immune resiliency through the lens of functional medicine. Specifically, you will explore:

  • How various dietary patterns and practices influence immune function
  • Micronutrients, macronutrients, and phytonutrients that impact the immune system
  • Why lifestyle and nutrition practices predispose certain populations to COVID-19
  • The complex nature of the immune system and how various food compounds impact disease risk
  • Practical strategies for bolstering host defense and immune resiliency with your clients

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