Business & Career Resources

What It Takes To Attain A Master Personal Trainer Certification

Becoming a Master Personal Trainer requires time and dedication, and reaching this goal can be a big investment for your future. Our recent research has indicated that the median salary for a personal trainer is $56,000 and the 10 year job growth rate is as high as 24 percent– significantly higher than average. This means that hardworking professionals have a fantastic opportunity to put their skills and talents to use and build a career that they love.

What type of person should become a Master Personal Trainer?

Anyone with the desire to attain the Master Personal Trainer Certification could potentially fulfill this dream, but there are some characteristics that will make you more likely to be successful.


Looking for a source of motivation? Try connecting with a trainer who chose his or her job because they’re driven to help others to become their best selves. Connecting with a trainer who’s training because it’s their passion will help lead you down the right path in your career. 


A Master Personal Trainer will receive education about everything from how to use fitness equipment to exercise and various conditions, such as diabetes. You will learn about nutrition, sports conditioning and more. It is an incredible opportunity if you have the love of the industry.


There will be an incredible amount of work involved in becoming a successful personal trainer. In addition to mastering the courses and passing the exams, you will also need to market yourself to employers and clients to begin to turn your certification into a job.

Personal Understanding of Health & Fitness

This course is designed for those who understand the basics of health and fitness and want to take that knowledge and transform it into a career. You should ideally live the advice that you give others and take care of your own fitness and have a healthy lifestyle.


How does a certification become a career?

Obtaining your certification as a Master Personal Trainer is the first step. Now you need to market yourself to find paying work. Some personal trainers will want to work with established gyms, spas or other fitness facilities that hire personal trainers to work with customers. Others will want to work privately, meeting with customers in their own studios. Understand your goals and what you want to accomplish as a trainer and the steps you will need to get there. Many may begin their careers working for an employer and transition to private work as their reputation becomes established. Others may be able to jump into the self-employed role from the beginning if they have the right connections. Regardless of the path you want to take, here are a few pieces of advice.

Establish your personal brand

Whether you are marketing to employers or directly to clients, you need to create a personal brand. This means answering what makes you different from all the other personal trainers. As a Master Personal Trainer, you will have experience in a number of different features of the industry, including nutrition, sports conditioning and consulting. You may be able to use these areas to create your own unique niche.

Present yourself as a professional

Like any other professional, have business cards and profiles– such as LinkedIn. Use these opportunities to define your role in your own words. They also make it easier to network with new people, by either handing them a card or connecting with them on social media.


Getting hired is often not as much a question of what you know as much as it is who you know. Let people know that you are now certified as a Master Personal Trainer and the services you can provide. You never know where that connection will come from that gets you that fantastic job or a new client. Let satisfied clients know that the best ‘thank you’ is a referral. You can also encourage referrals by offering discounts to those who bring in new clients.

Becoming a Master Personal Trainer opens doors and gives you the tools you need to establish yourself in an exciting and ever-changing field. Reaching your goals will require careful planning and hard work, but the reward will be a career that you love. Get started with your certification course and see where the future can take you.


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