Managed care has created a need for patients/clients to seek alternative care for the management of their injuries/disease.
Cut backs on reimbursement of services to traditional medical providers (e.g., physicians, physical therapists, and chiropractors) have provided an opportunity to develop medically supervised fitness programs or post rehabilitation.

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For many years a typical commercial (indemnity) health insurance policy required an individual (or more likely, his or her employer) to pay a premium and a yearly deductible (usually $200-$500).
Additionally, the patient had to pay 20% of all medical bills generated by each visit to a health care provider. With the influx of managed care, those parameters are changing. The total number of visits to a health care facility is being reduced to save money. The paper work involved has increased to a point that the “hassle factor” for patients to go through has also decreased the frequency of visits to their health care provider.
Due to these limitations, patients are not always fully recovered upon discharge by their health care provider. The challenge to the health care professional is to provide the best care within the guidelines set by the insurance company. To do what is best for his or her patient, the health care professional may suggest setting up an after care or post rehab program with someone the patient feels comfortable with.
Some physical therapy centers are taking a proactive approach and developing post rehab programs within their facilities. M.O.S.T. is one of those centers! Post-Rehab programs are designed for those individuals who are recovering from a variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Given the nature of most soft tissue and joint problems, the probability of a more complete recovery is enhanced through a structured approach to exercise. Post-Rehab also includes exercise for special populations. These groups include some that may have special needs or concerns, which may require extra attention during their exercise program.
Other special populations may just need to improve their skill levels and knowledge, or increase awareness of conditioning by participating in a regular exercise program. The importance of exercise to these groups is more widely understood, as additional scientific information becomes available as to the efficacy of therapeutic programs.
Therefore, the medical conditions listed below will identify special populations who will benefit from a medically supervised exercise program.
*Musculoskeletal Disorders
*Cardiac Conditions
*Muscular Sclerosis
*Rheumatoid Arthritis
*Cystic Fibrosis
*Exercise Induced Asthma
*Pre and Post Natal
*Muscular Dystrophy
The benefits to be gained from a comprehensive post rehab program comprising cardiovascular, flexibility, proprioception, resistive training, and agility are numerous. Secondly, habitual physical training will promote general health, decrease medical complications associated with chronic disabilities and optimize independence. Certain conditions may contraindicate exercise as a mode of therapy. We require a medical clearance from your physician and indications of any limitations that you may have related to your conditions.