Business & Career Resources

Top Resources for Landing Your Dream Job in Nutrition

Your passion for the health and fitness industry has brought you to this important moment: You’re ready to start the search for your dream job in nutrition! There are hundreds of websites that are useful for job hunting across just about any industry, and you’ve probably heard of them all: Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Monster, CareerBuilder, and the list goes on and on.

But how do you find the best resources for finding jobs in nutrition?

It’s important to make sure you’re using job search websites that will help you find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and efficiently. A job listing website that offers advanced search options will let you drill down search results based on location, salary, and other aspects of your dream job that are important to you. Additionally, the best online resources for finding jobs in nutrition should allow you to search for jobs based on your personal experience and certifications.


Once you have search results that make sense, make sure the job listings you’ve found explain what the job entails, what the expectations are, what type of experience you need for the position, and what compensation and benefits are available. This will help you avoid vague job postings that leave out important details about what will be expected of you or what you’ll actually be doing. If you’re focused on holistic nutrition, you probably don’t want to go through the trouble of applying for a job, only to find out that it would also require you to provide advanced personal training services, too.

Here are a few websites we trust to get you started on your job hunt:

  • offers more than 225,000 job opportunities across countless sectors, including those in the health and wellness field. You can integrate work samples into your profile, giving potential employers the chance to see evidence of your knowledge, expertise, and experience. Then, set up job alerts according to your preferences and wait for the perfect jobs to fill your inbox.
  • The AFPA Career Center offers job listings, including links to relevant LinkedIn groups where nutrition jobs are regularly posted, and it also provides resources to guide you in the hunt for jobs in nutrition.
  • Another great industry-focused resource is, which posts as many as 200 jobs every day. The site also offers tons of career advice and other resources to help you no matter where you are on your hunt for a nutrition job.

To stand out in your job search, a good place to start is to give your LinkedIn profile a 30-minute makeover. Believe it or not, upwards of 85 percent of jobs are found through networking. Even if you find a job listing and apply for a nutrition job through one of the sites above, chances are the employer is going to look for you online, and they’re bound to find you on LinkedIn, the ultimate social networking platform for professionals, so make sure you have an up-to-date photo and that your profile includes all of your certifications and relevant experience—let your passion for health and wellness shine through! Also, make sure you’re connected to other nutrition professionals and part of nutrition LinkedIn Groups. Most importantly, make sure the title below your name has the right keywords relevant to the type of nutrition job you’re hunting for.

Lastly, be sure you’re searching for jobs in nutrition on websites that have solid privacy policies that only allow verified employers to view listings. It’s important to know that job seekers—especially millennials—are some of the hottest targets for scammers, so don’t let the hunt for your dream job become a nightmare. Here are a few key elements to watch out for so you don’t get scammed into what you think is the perfect job:

  • Avoid questionable headhunters: Chances are a recruiter who says he or she found your resume online and is ready to hire you right away is setting you up for a scam.
  • Unprofessional emails: If you get an email that sounds promising, be on the lookout for misspellings and punctuation errors that could indicate a fake business—and a scam.
  • Do your research: Be diligent and research whether the company is even real. Do they have a physical address? Do they have reviews? Do they have a website?
  • Trust your gut: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary if a recruiter or wellness guru asks for personal information—or worse—asks for a payment for something that will launch your nutrition career.

Ultimately, many of the most seasoned HR pros will tell you that your time is best spent networking to find your dream job in nutrition. But it’s important to search job boards and market yourself in order to cover all of your bases. The pitfall, however, is getting lost in the never-ending web of online job listings. Networking on Facebook and LinkedIn, not to mention finding and attending relevant gatherings, could be the key to finding the perfect job, so get out there and network!

Whether you’re looking for a part-time consulting job or a full-time corporate position in health and wellness, sign up now for our Eight-Week Email Course in Holistic Nutrition and launch your career on your own terms today!


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