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Sports Nutritionist Salary: What Is Your Earning Potential?

Develop a nutrition plan for college-level athletes to dominate the competition, build muscle strength and endurance, and recover faster. Give a presentation about food as fuel to a group of coaches at a conference. Write a book to show parents how to serve up healthy snacks to keep their athletes in training ready for the game. Create a customized nutrition plan to help someone run a marathon, conquer a century-ride. Or help active, sports-minded people figure out a nutrition plan that fits their busy schedule.

It’s all in a day’s work for a sports nutritionist. And if you know your stuff, like working with people, and have an affinity for meal planning to improve performance, you can make a good living doing what you are passionate about.

Do What You Love… And Get Paid

For some people, it’s a perfect part-time pursuit. Some nutritionists run their own consulting practices and work with a wide range of people, teams, and organizations. Others fill a need as a nutritionist in a gym or health club. And some are full-time staff members who help college and university athletes dial in their nutrition plans or work with sports nutrition brands.

Sounds pretty good if you love sports, healthy food, and writing nutrition plans to help athletes and sports-minded people dominate the competition. Right?

The big question is: What’s your earning potential as a sports nutritionist?


Run Your Own Sports Nutrition Business

Income potential: $10,000 to over $100,000 annually

Going solo and launching your own sports nutrition practice is one way you can make a living in this field. But you have to be willing to market your business, network with health and fitness professionals, and of course help clients get results with the fuel they need to run a marathon, dominate a triathlon, compete in team sports, or take on a tough-as-nails physical challenge like an obstacle course race or powerlifting competition.

In other words, you have to hustle to make this work. For example, many nutritionists charge an average of $250 to $500 for a one-time customized nutrition plan. Add ongoing nutrition coaching, and you can charge those rates monthly. Book a speaking engagement for $1,000-plus. Develop a an online or in-person sports nutrition course to help a specific group of athletes or coaches, and you can charge $1,000 or more per attendee. Or you can write for a long list of health and fitness publications about sports nutrition to add to your income. There’s no cap to your earning potential and lots of different ways to develop income streams as a sports nutritionist if you decide to go solo.

Note: These earning potential numbers are based on income reports from sports nutritionists and fitness pros who run their own businesses.

Fill the Role of Sports Nutritionist as an Employee

Income potential: $45,000 to $75,000

Being an entrepreneur and running your own business isn’t for everyone, and that’s OK. You can also work for organizations that need a nutritionist on staff like a college or professional sports team, companies that produce sports nutrition products, and gyms, health clubs, and fitness centers.

You’ll spend your time working with athletes and coaches, and fitness-minded people. You’ll do things like develop nutrition programs, track and monitor athlete progress, and give health education presentations. And you may even be a spokesperson for your organization who talks with the media about sports and nutrition.

If you love sports, believe food is fuel, and like helping athletes and fitness-minded people get results, being a sports nutritionist is a great way to make a living and make a difference. Want to learn more about how to turn your passion into a career or launch your own business and get paid well? It all starts with earning your Sports Nutrition Certification.


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