
Q&A with AFPA Graduate: Cynthia Kestler, Certified Holistic Nutritionist

While everyone’s educational and career paths are unique, you will often find common ground among those who have earned nutrition and fitness certifications: considerable motivation, fresh perspectives, and most of all, a passion for helping others. We find these stories inspiring, and we hope that you do as well, while you consider a career shift or taking your business to the next level.


AFPA recently reached out to some of our past graduates and asked if they would be willing to share their stories with the community, from what led them to wellness and what a typical day looks like to what advice they would give others looking to enter the field.

Over the next few months, we will be posting their stories here on our blog in our “Find Your Inspiration” series. We hope you enjoy their responses and find inspiration between the lines!

Cynthia Kestler, Certified Holistic Nutritionist

What is your job title and what does that mean?

I am a certified holistic nutritionist. I work in a physician’s office and have my own patients that I deal with regarding weight gain/weight loss issues. I also have a meal replacement program that people can choose to enroll in, and as part of that, I monitor their health stats weekly. I am also building my own business with nutrition (kesnutrition.com and on Instagram @kesnutrition), essential oils, and health consulting. It is an awesome journey I am on with my nutrition certification.


How did your journey bring you to where you are now?

My journey in nutrition started many years ago. The journey gained many deeper layers as I aged and learned of my own health issues. I worked for more than 15 years in the healthcare field, because I loved the knowledge of the anatomy of the body. My journey took a serious turn when I was diagnosed with four autoimmune diseases. Numerous years of disappointing medical advice led me to become certified myself and take personal control of my health. I researched my options and found AFPA. I was working full-time at my job in healthcare and needed an online program to be able to work at my own pace. After my completion of the course, I started to develop my skills and branch out to my new path of nutrition.

What does a typical day in the life look like for you?

My typical day involves consulting with clients on their health issues and assessments and nutritional needs. I incorporate all of my healthcare and nutrition knowledge for the success of my clients. If appropriate, I design meal plans, food choices and avoidances, and exercise regimens. I also work on my social media and research a lot. I read and thirst for all of the health-related information I can get time for.  

What do you like most about your job?

I love my work with clients, because they really want to get advice for better health. They listen to me and become active in their own health. My personal health is one of my top priorities, and this is an awareness my clients are able to see for themselves. I believe you need to live out what you advise others to do for themselves. I am very connected to the mind, body, and spirit of the all-encompassing health of our magnificent bodies.

What education or certifications do you have that help you in your role?

I have a degree in science and radiologic science, and certifications in nutrition and essential oils.

What advice would you give to others who are looking to get into the same field?

I would tell others that want to explore this field to research options and see what fits them best, to understand nutrition and all of what that encompasses, to give some time to thoughts of what they would do with a nutrition certification and research what that would bring to their lives. Some might want just the personal knowledge, others a career.

Any final comments or closing thoughts?

I think a certification in nutrition is a great tool for anyone who wants to understand how the body takes food and processes it. What you eat will become a part of you. You might want to understand the process. Nutrition can be the difference between a healthy lifestyle and a diseased lifestyle.


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