Food & Nutrition Science

Official Gut Health Course Launch Announcement 

Official Gut Health Course Launch Announcement 

American Fitness Professionals & Associates (AFPA), a division of KnowFully Learning Group and a leading provider of health, nutrition, and fitness online education, is happy to announce the launch of its new offering: the Gut Health Nutrition Specialist course. 

Over the past decade, health specialists across all fields began to recognize the central importance of optimizing gut health to prevent, treat, and manage some of the most prevalent health issues, including digestive disorders, immunity, mental health, chronic disease, and overall wellness. 

AFPA developed this certificate of specialty to meet the demand for this niche subject matter and provide students with a detailed understanding of the role of nutrition in influencing gut health. The course delivers up-to-date scientific knowledge about how gut health is fundamental to healthy digestion and the absorption of nutrients and is intricately connected to the adequate functioning of all bodily systems. 

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AFPA Gut Health Week 2023 

Parallel to this course launch, AFPA ran a weeklong gut health awareness campaign: AFPA Gut Health Week. This campaign focused on educating health professionals about the importance of gut health, which refers to the health of the systems and organs involved in the digestive process, including the gut microbiome. 

From Monday, January 23, to Friday, January 27, AFPA provided free resources related to gut health, including: 

YouTube video

Gut Health Nutrition Certificate of Specialty 

“I have trained and consulted with organizations worldwide on fitness and sports performance programming for over 20 years. Fitness professionals, personal trainers, and coaches struggle when clients and athletes are thrown off mentally and physically with gut health problems and related symptoms,” said Diane Vives, senior director of health & wellness professional education for AFPA.  

“There was little in the way of professional education with science-based information and realistic solutions. I am very excited that the AFPA team and nutrition expert Sasha Aparicio collaborated to provide this Gut Health Specialist course and believe it will help many professionals and their clients.” 

Over the course of eight modules, students will learn about the anatomy of the gut, the ways in which gut health impacts the rest of the body, and how nutrition, genetics, and lifestyle factors influence gut health. Additionally, students will learn evidence-based nutritional strategies for optimizing gut health throughout the lifecycle. 

The Gut Health Nutrition Specialist course features up-to-date, evidence-based nutritional strategies for supporting the gut. It takes a concept that is often misunderstood, over-complicated, and confusing and makes it digestible.  

Earning this certificate of specialty will equip professionals to better serve their existing clients, future clients, themselves, and their loved ones — as well as help them become leaders in the health and wellness space. 

Press Release 

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