Business & Career Resources

Fitness Trainer Marketing: Tips for Recruiting New Clients

Working as a personal trainer can be an empowering and rewarding experience. And unless you’re working exclusively for a gym, it also comes with the benefit of essentially being your own boss and doing your own thing. Unfortunately, this also means that it’s up to you to find and recruit new clients, which is often one of the greatest challenges that even the best personal trainers out there face. Fortunately, by following some simple tips, you’ll find that recruiting new clients is easier than ever.

Take Time to Self-Publish

When people search for a personal trainer, they want to work with somebody who is reputable and seen as an authority in the fitness world. One of the best ways to boost your reputation and generate ethos for your brand is to self-publish your own materials. For instance, if you don’t already have your own website with a blog that you update regularly, you’re missing out on the opportunity to share your knowledge and become an authority figure in your field. Posting regular blogs that provide tips and insights into health and fitness (and getting them shared online) is a great way to spread the word about your expertise and services at the same time.

Utilize Social Media

These days, having a strong social media presence is also a must for any personal trainer who wants to recruit new clients. At the very least, you should have active accounts on Facebook and Twitter, but other social media platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram can also be useful. Try to post to your social media accounts as often as you can; you can use the space to announce new promotions and specials, but be careful not to over-sell. Most potential clients will prefer to see daily fitness tips than direct sells.

Keep Contact Information On-File

Even if you lose a client or aren’t able to convert a potential lead into a new client the first time around, it’s important that you always hold onto the contact information that you obtain. After all, you may be able to reel them back in down the road by sending out an e-mail blast announcing a new special or other promotion. 

Be Flexible for Clients

Now more than ever, clients signing up for personal training programs demand flexibility. Therefore, the more flexible you’re able to be in terms of scheduling and communicating with your clients, the more successful you’ll be at recruiting them. Sure, you might prefer to only hold personal training sessions between the hours of 10AM and 5PM each day. In reality, however, there are plenty of potential clients who work odd hours and need a personal trainer who can meet with them for a 6AM session or even a midnight workout. You might be surprised to see just how many more clients you’re able to secure by being a little more flexible with your scheduling.

The same goes with communicating. Make sure your clients have the option of choosing a preferred method of communication—whether it be text, phone call, e-mail, or even a video chat. Giving clients options makes them feel like their experience is being custom-tailored to suit their needs…which is exactly what they’re paying for, after all.

Create a Referral System

One of the best ways to recruit new clients as a personal trainer is to create some sort of referral system that rewards your current clients for referring others directly to you. This is a great way to encourage your current happy clients to spread the word about your services to friends, family members, and other loved ones who may be interested in personal training. Whether this means providing a discount or a free training session for each person referred, you’ll find that a referral system is often the best way to bring in new clients—even during the slowest times of the year.

These are just a few of the best ways to recruit new clients as a personal trainer and increase your career success as a result. Be sure to give or all of these tips a try and see just how much of a difference they can make for your business!

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