Food & Nutrition Science

4 Super Tasty & Healthy Snacks to Keep in Your Office


It seems like 9 to 5 jobs were created for one reason, and one reason only: To ruin your ability to stay healthy.

Let’s be honest, sticking to a healthy regimen can be a challenge in today’s fast paced work environment. The moment you walk into the office you’re are bombarded by vending machines, treats in the break room and an endless supply of food trucks parked outside the building. So what’s a professional to do when faced with the tantalizing temptations that corporate life brings?

The answer may be as simple as tweaking your program to have some healthy snacks around the office!

Studies have shown that the most effective way of sticking to a healthy diet is by grazing on treats through out the day that are both high in protein and fiber. These two nutrients will not only satiate your appetite but also keep your hunger at bay. In fact, a new study released by the Nutrition Journal found that foods that are high in protein helped participants feel fuller longer and even led to less calorie consumption at dinner time.

On the other hand, fiber is also well known for having the benefit of adding more “bulk” to the foods you eat. This can offer instant gratification from those hunger pangs when you’re ravenous and ready to tear through that bag of chocolate chip cookies. By incorporating snacks with these two nutrients into your diet you can satisfy your hunger and cure that hankering for junk food that many of us fall prey to in between meals.

While there are plenty of healthy snack options to choose from, the snacks on this list made the cut for their ability to fill you up, keep you healthy and happy for the long term. With these nutritious office snack ideas in your arsenal, not only can you stick to your healthy regimen, but you can enjoy yourself while doing it!

1) Chia Seed Pudding

“Ch-ch-ch-Chia!” Do you remember your first Chia pet? Thought so! Well, we bet you didn’t realize that the same fun little seeds were not only edible, but also a bona-fide nutrition juggernaut.

While you can put chia seeds in smoothies, sprinkle them on salads or even throw them in water, by far the tastiest recipe for this super-food is Chia Seed pudding.

It’s time to indulge a little bit- the healthy way! This pudding is sugar free, vegan, paleo friendly and can be doctored up any way you want it! Just mix:

  • 1/4 cup of chia seeds with 2 cups of the milk of your choice (our personal favorite is coconut milk)
  • Mix in 1 teaspoon vanilla, a serving of stevia and any extra ingredients you can think of
  • Add some berries for an extra tasty treat

There you have it! A delicious dessert with the added health benefits of providing omega 3’s, protein, fiber and even suppressing your appetite.

We recommend Nativas Naturals Organic chia seeds for your pudding pleasure. Nativa Naturals is the authority on all things super foods and their Chia seeds come in whole and powdered varieties, perfect for those who like to switch it up between a smooth pudding and a tapioca texture.

2) Almonds

Nutritionists and health enthusiasts alike have always had a love affair with Almonds. They have been the darling of the healthy snacking community for years, and for good reason!

Almonds boast some serious nutritional chops, coming in with 20 grams of protein, 11% of your daily fiber intake and plenty of B vitamins. Not to mention they are delicious, portable and widely available. Basically they’re a healthy snacker’s dream come true.

Our pick of choice for the best brand? Blue Diamond of course! Their one hundred calorie packs are a life saver for a schedule that is tightly packed, and with so many flavors to choose from there’s plenty of variety to keep it interesting.

For those “Do it Yourself” gurus who want a twist on this old classic try spicing them up on your own:

  • Empty a big bag of almonds into a sauce pan and drizzle them with olive oil
  • Add in some salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme and any other seasoning you can think of to create the custom almond medley of your choice
  • Stir the mixture for 10-15 minutes and there you have it, a personalized, wholesome snack that your taste buds will rejoice over


3) Beet Chips

Who wants plain old yellow potato chips when you can have bright red ones instead!? Introducing the most appetizing and crunchy snack on our list- Beet Chips. We dare you to try these delectable morsels and not become down right addicted. They are painless to make and are a fantastic low calorie alternative to fattening traditional chips. Eat them by themselves or combine them with any of your favorite dips and they’re sure to become a snacksation!

To create these culinary confections just slice up the beets and place them on a baking tray with your favorite seasonings. Bake them for 30 minutes and there you have it! Food that both looks good and tastes great. Not to mention that with 4 grams of fiber per beet these snacks will keep your healthy train right on track.

4) Turkey Jerky

This one is for all you carnivores out there. It’s time to try a new twist on the old beef jerky classic! One with a lot less fat and almost double the protein per ounce- Turkey Jerky!

When it comes to high protein snacks, Turkey Jerky is the new kid on the block that trumps beef jerky as one of the top healthy snack ideas for work!

Packing upwards of 10 grams of protein with just 80 calories per serving, there has never been a better excuse to add this snack to your stash. 

For additional healthy food options check out our Spring Cleaning Your Diet post!


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