AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

What is the Rotator Cuff in the shoulder?

What is the Rotator Cuff in the shoulder? The rotator cuff is a group of flat tendons, which fuse together and surround the front, back, and top of the shoulder joint like a cuff on a shirtsleeve. These tendons are connected individually to short, but very important, muscles that originate from

Alcoholism Treatment: Why Do I Need Vitamins To Become Well?

Alcoholism is not a personality defect. It is not a bad habit that needs to be broken. It is a devastating physical disease that damages both the mind and the body. Recovery is not just possible but proven here at Tully Hill Hospital. The results speaks for themselves: more than 80 percent of those treated […]

Considering a Career as a Holistic Nutritionist?

Are you considering a career as a holistic nutritionist? Or perhaps you already have your credentials and want to know what the next step is to becoming a successful Holistic Nutritionist. Here are some general questions and answers you may find helpful as to why you may want to pursue a career as a Holistic […]

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How Much Should We Be Exercising?

What role has inactivity played in the obesity epidemic and how much should we be exercising? Right now, almost two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and by 2030 more than half our population may be clinically obese. Childhood obesity has tripled, and most of them will grow up to be overweight as

Lifestyle Medicine: Treating the Causes of Disease

Lifestyle Medicine: Treating the Causes of Disease Dr. Michael Greger, MD If doctors can eliminate some of our leading killers by treating the underlying causes of chronic disease better than nearly any other medical intervention, why don’t more doctors do it? Though I was trained as a general practitioner, my chosen specialty

Alkaline Diets, Meat & Calcium Loss

Dr. Michael Greger, MD Experiments dating back to 1920 showed over and over that if we had a acid forming diet rich in meat that we would get a big spike in the amount of calcium being lost in our urine. We have known since 1912 that meat was acid-forming within the body.

Should I Take a Multivitamin?

Should I Take a Multivitamin? About 1 in 3 Americans takes a multivitamin. Is that helpful, harmful, or just a harmless waste of money? In 2011, the Iowa Women’s Health Study reported that multivitamin use was associated with a higher risk of total mortality, meaning in effect women who took a

5 Good Reasons To Go For A Less Intense Workout

5 Good Reasons To Go For A Less Intense Workout As seen in AFPA Enews By Tracy Hafen for With all of the recent and much-deserved hype over high-intensity interval training (HIIT), a true and loyal friend has been left behind: good, old-fashioned steady-state training. Gone are

Give extra care to the caregivers you train

As seen in AFPA ENews Why it is important to give extra care to the caregivers you train! Kathy was a regular in Pilates class on Thursdays. Because I saw her from week to week, I was able to notice significant weight loss and increased lack of focus. Worried, I singled her out

What should come first: cardio or weights?

As seen in AFPA ENews Some will advise you to get cardio done first before you hit the weights, but order of exercise may or may not affect results. If I had a dollar every time someone asked me what to do first, cardio or