Fitness, Personal Training, & Exercise Science

Finding Morning Workout Motivation Through Pinterest

Let’s face it, not everyone loves getting up at the crack of dawn to squeeze in a workout before the day begins. But if your client is a chronic snoozer, the issue is not the alarm clock, it’s your client. Despite what your clients may think, the trick to exercising in the morning is all about developing the right habits and finding a little motivation.

What better way to hone that morning motivation than with social media? Social-media platforms, such as Pinterest, are one of the most accessible motivational tools to date. The reason? Pinterest is a visual discovery tool where “pinners” can find inspiration and try out new fitness trends. And part of leading a healthy, active lifestyle starts by switching your mindset to make healthier choices that are beneficial to your well-being.

Now that your clients know where to discover that extra motivation, what’s really so great about working out in the morning? In addition to developing healthy habits and setting yourself up for success all day long, you might just burn more calories. “Research has shown that morning exercisers tend to work out harder and longer than afternoon or evening exercisers, writes Leta Shy, fitness editor at POPSUGAR. “It may be just in their personality, but scheduling has a lot to do with it, too — you’re more apt to spend more time on your workout, and you may be more energetic and alert at the beginning of the day.” Let’s get started:

Five of our favorite Pinterest boards for morning workout motivation

1. well+Good: At home workouts

When your client is guilty of hitting the snooze button, he or she may be quick to come up with excuses: “I didn’t have time to hit the gym before work.” Sounds familiar, right? Fortunately, if your clients are short on time, they can still shape up with the “At Home Workouts” Pinterest board from our friends at well+Good. The best part? Your clients can get a killer workout without even leaving the comfort of their home—now what’s their excuse?

Follow Well+Good’s board At Home Workouts on Pinterest.


2. Kayla Itsines: Workout videos

If you’re not already familiar with Kayla Itsines, Instagram superstar and personal trainer, you’re in for a serious treat—and challenge. Kayla’s workouts are so effective, we’re confident you will want to incorporate them into your own routine.

Follow Kayla Itsines’s board Workout Videos on Pinterest. 

3. POPSUGAR Fitness: Move it! workout routines

POPSUGAR is one of our favorite sources for workout and recipe inspiration, and with this Pinterest board, you’ll see exactly why. From “no-excuses” body-weight exercises, to a 20-minute run that challenges and targets every trouble zone, it’s so easy to fit in a morning workout with this inspirational board.

Follow POPSUGAR Fitness’s board Move It! Workout Routines on Pinterest.

4. Men’s Health: Fitness challenges

The excitement generated from a competition can be reason enough to jump out of bed in the morning, ready to conquer a workout. That’s exactly why we selected this Pinterest board from Men’s Health, because it’s packed full of challenges that deliver promised results.

Follow Men’s Health’s board Fitness Challenges on Pinterest.

5. AFPA: Morning workout motivation

Our very own Pinterest board is designed to deliver the tips, tricks, quotations and step-by-step workout routines your clients need to jumpstart their mornings. And while it may be easy enough to wake up and work out for one week, it’s just as easy to call it quits. Our Pinterest board, however, may empower your client to not only move his or her workout to the morning, but also keep it that way.

Workouts are intended to be challenging, not forced. So if your clients just can’t get into the groove of a morning workout routine, don’t sweat it. As long as they’re squeezing in a workout somewhere, that’s truly what matters.


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